Behavior Data Systems, Ltd. (BDS, and its subsidiaries Online Testing (Internet, and Risk & Needs ( offer adult and juvenile evidence based tests.
Each of the tests represented on this website have several important features in common. Each test is evidence based and has impressive reliability, validity and accuracy. All (adult and juvenile) test-related research is available at And all BDS tests have a built-in Truthfulness Scale that determines client (patient/offender) truthfulness while they are being tested.
Each test's name on the following website is a link to that test's website, which provides descriptive information with an example 3 page report
Counseling and treatment effectiveness (or treatment outcome) tests are set forth at the end of the adult counseling (; www.probation-referral-outcome.,; and tests and the juvenile or adolescent tests (
If you have questions or would like to discuss your testing needs, contact us at Behavior Data Systems, Ltd. (BDS). Our offices are open 7:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mountain Standard Time. BDS’s email address is, and our toll free telephone number is 1 (800) 231-2401.